Get Started

Get Started with Mental Health Care in Baltimore, Maryland with Paragon Health Services

At Paragon Health Services, our services are designed for adults, children, and adolescents with mental health disorders that have impaired their ability to fully function in the community.

Every individual is faced with unique challenges in life. To each person within our program, we bring individualized support through a comprehensive and customized rehabilitation plan intended to improve quality of life, achieve positive outcomes, and encourage resilience and recovery. 

We focus on amplifying community based connections and support to improve each individual’s quality of life.

Adults, children, and adolescents who qualify for the program have mental health disorders, are under the care of a licensed and certified mental health professionals, and meet the qualifications below:

Clinical Diagnoses

Financial Eligibility

  • Maryland Medicaid
  • Medicare (Outpatient Mental Health Clinic Only)
  • Private Funds

Payment Options:

  • Private Pay
  • Medicaid
  • Medicare (Outpatient Mental Health Clinic Only)
  • Other Commercial Insurances (Outpatient Mental Health Clinic Only)

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